This exercise I 'm going to show you, is a very simple and yet a very powerful tool for people that suffer from back pain. Every time I explain how powerful this exercise is to relief back pain, no one wants to believe me, everyone thinks that it's to easy to be true, because they have been taking pain killers and other pills that in most cases are very bad for our stomachs, for years and they did nothing, how can a simple exercise make the pain go away. Well the thing is that it really does in almost every case, and in those in witch it doesn't work 100%, it gives a substantial relief. This exercise is very simple and it only takes 5 minutes to complete, it must be done at least twice a day,  in the morning and at night. The secret about this exercise is the relaxation it gives, and the extra muscle that will hold everything in place. It may seem a little strange, that having a pain in the back we will actually also be working muscles in front, but the truth is that those muscles are also very important.

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